Usep Mohamad Ishaq: Harus Ada Muslim yang Paham FilsafatSabtu, 18 Jan 2025 22:09 |
ARI BP Rayakan Gencatan Senjata di GazaSabtu, 18 Jan 2025 09:04 |
D A M A IKamis, 16 Jan 2025 07:56 |
Saya simpulkan dengan gambar yang saya upload di tweet berikut ini:
Dia terheran2 juga, kenapa tujuh hari terakhir ini situsnya drastis peningkatannya, yang sptnya akan menjadi rekornya selama ini!
Beberapa history tweet dan link yang penting dengan DR. Krawetz:
The original image above, is our presidential candidate, Joko Widodo, marriage certificate. It’s an answer –although I think it’s kinda late– to black campaign on his parenthood origin. You may or may not know, that in Indonesia there are peoples who still oppose of government leader that coming from other ethnic, but mainly they oppose Chinese and non-moslem.
It’s said that Jokowi (its popular name) is falsifying his Chinese fatherhood. And after his marriage certificate was published, this article emerge
Have a look at the bolded text, ” di bagian nama jokowi dan orang tuanya terlihat lebih terang dibanding 2 lembaran doa”, translated, “on the names of Jokowi parents it appear brighter than 2 sheets of prayer”
That conclude that he falsify his fatherhood.
Is it true that we can conclude it from the image above?
Many great thanks from me!
Setelah itu doi ga bs menemukan nama Pak Jokowi dan ayahnya disana (haha, ya maklumlah..), dan saya tunjukkan lewat tweet berikut ini.
Thank you for your tweet that clarifies the location.
That’s the 3rd panel (lower-left), the handwritten text on the lines denoted as #1 and #2.
I am not seeing anything suspicious in there. ELA shows that it is just as bright as everything else on that panel. The greenish hue spots are just as spotty there as anywhere else. Even the noise pattern seen in the entropy graph doesn’t make anything stand out as abnormal.
However, between the overall low quality, identified wide-area modifications, and multiple resaves, all artifacts are pretty much wiped. If it were modified, it would look just as real as anything else. If it is real, it would look just as altered as any actual modifications.
To be clear: the results are inconclusive. There is no indication of any specific digital alteration in that area, but there are also no remaining indicators to suggest that this is original/untampered. And that specific area looks just like all other areas on the panels.
Clear and Deal.
Kesimpulan dari analisis Dr. Krawetz itu open ended lho: intinya dokumen tersebut banyak diretouch dan diresave (bayangkan, dari facebook->komputer orang yg entah siapa->google plus->etc), sehingga kita tidak bisa ambil kesimpulan apakah itu dokumen asli/palsu, yang mengembalikan kita kembali ke titik awal : tidak bisa menyimpulan Pak Jokowi berusaha menipu publik dengan menyembunyikan nama orang tuanya dari akta nikah tersebut.
Pertanyaan berikutnya, sekarang udah jaman digital, kenapa fotocopyan yang disebarkan, kenapa tidak di scan? Atau punya HP yang bisa buat foto sekalipun masih sekelas Hp china saja banyak yang hasilnya cukup jelas.FREE ONGKIR. Belanja Gamis syari dan jilbab terbaru via online tanpa khawatir ongkos kirim. Siap kirim seluruh Indonesia. Model kekinian, warna beragam. Adem dan nyaman dipakai.
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Usep Mohamad Ishaq: Harus Ada Muslim yang Paham FilsafatSabtu, 18 Jan 2025 22:09 |
ARI BP Rayakan Gencatan Senjata di GazaSabtu, 18 Jan 2025 09:04 |
D A M A IKamis, 16 Jan 2025 07:56 |